"And did you get what You wanted from this life. Even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
Beloved on the earth.
- Raymond Carver
Somatic Surrender
Every Thursday morning at 8AM, we meet to enter silence together. Come join us as we find an inner space of quiet and compassion. An inward practice can be quite challenging and the support of others who practice makes a world of difference.
Somatic Surrender: A Weekly Practice to Open the Heart, Quiet the Mind and Embody Your Life with Amanda Zabel (Virtual/Zoom)
May 20, 2021 - May 19, 2022
Very simply, we need time and space to tend to ourselves. To be present to our lived experience, to extend and receive self-love. This weekly, 45-minute time together is an invitation to meet what is here, in this moment. To discover and uncover our relationship to our sensations and feelings and to examine where choices are available to us to surrender the stories of suffering. We can be in such a state of discomfort as we confront and are confronted by the often challenging realities of living, that we contract and create drama and stories to defend our tender, vulnerable hearts and beliefs. Instead, with deeper contact with ourselves, and practices to open wider to the felt experience and emotions of being human, we develop capacity to meet the intensity and aliveness of life, undefended and yet protected at our core.
Come join us at 8:00AM on Thursdays as we make time for silence, breath, sensation, and examination of our mind habits that keep us perpetuating suffering. We will include some time to share with each other in service of fellowship and deepening our practice. To REGISTER: https://www.18springshealing.org/
To sustain this program, please consider donating to 18 Springs by following this link. If you are unable to donate at this time, please come anyway!
Contact 18 Springs to ask about accessibility needs or for any other questions.